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After School STEM Enrollment

What age group is your child in?

After School STEM Semester 1 2025

Nuremberg Central 13:30
Gleißhammer 15:00

Erlenstegen 13:30
Schweinau 15:00

Nuremberg Central 15:00
Boxdorf 13:30

Ebensee 13:30
Erlangen 15:00

Rehhof 13:30
Erlangen 15:00

6-8 Year Olds
9-11 Year Olds

Erlangen 15:00
Rehhof 15:00

Nuremberg Central 13:30
Gleißhammer 15:00

Erlenstegen 15:00
Schweinau 15:00

Nuremberg Central 15:00
Boxdorf 15:00

Ebensee 15:00
Erlangen 15:00

The semester begins on Monday the 14th of January 2025 and goes for 14 weeks.

Enroll here

What age group is your child in?

Frequently asked questions

About The International School of STEM

Originated in Australia, we are passionate about education and creating environments where children can be creative, build confidence, explore limits and become bigger thinkers. Great minds like Einstein, Aristotle, Da Vinci, and Newton were outcast in typical school environments because they thought differently. At The International School of STEM, we encourage this thinking and believe beauty is found in our differences. After years of success in Australia, The International School of STEM has set up in Nuremberg for a 2025 launch with plans to expand across Europe.


All of our facilitators have, at a minimum, bachelor's degree qualifications in a field of STEM or Education. They have met all of the legislative requirements to safely care for a group of children and are all highly experienced.

Classrooms have up to 15 students per facilitator. Our teaching philosophy involves encouraging students to make mistakes and learn from them. Our structure involves self-directed problem solving meaning the students aren't always given specific instructions on what to do, instead they are taught concepts that help them understand what's in front of them and use their own creativity to solve the problem. With this, there are risks that may not be present in a typical classroom, however, our team are very experienced and teach safety first. Attending our classes is at your own risk.

How much does it cost?

The cost of After School STEM is 350 for a 14 week semester.


The €350 includes a 90 minute after school STEM session each week for 14 weeks. We try to align our calendar with the nearest schools for convenience and routine for the children.

Students are welcome to arrive 30 minutes prior to the session start time and stay until 30 minutes after the session concludes and be under the supervision of our staff.

All materials and equipment are included.

When is payment due?

Once you complete the enrollment form, we will send you further information on the program and what to expect from the upcoming semester.

We will send you an invoice via email where you can make payment by card or bank transfer. Payment is due 30 days before semester commencement.

Can my child attend more than once a week?

We love that young minds are passionate about STEM. We currently only offer our program once per week however we're always growing. Please let us know either via WhatsApp message, email, or in your enrollment form if you're interested in additional days per week or locations. We are new to the Nuremberg area however we also ran children's birthday parties and Saturday camps in Australia and are excited to bring these to Nuremberg in the coming months.


Our classes are located at community centres, museums and libraries, schools, and at other similar organisation's premises. All locations have parking on site or very close by. All locations have toilet facilities. You will be sent the specific location via email once we have confirmation of your child's enrollment. We do not publicly advertise specific locations and times for safety and privacy.

Day/time suitability

Please let us know if there is a date, time or location that you would prefer. Chances are, you are not the only one thinking it so we would love to hear it.

What if my child is better suited to a different age group?

The age groups suggested on the enrollment are a guide. If you believe your child would be better suited to a different group based on their learning abilities (not their age), we can certainly accommodate this. We also continually monitor student's performance and will also suggest to you if we believe a different cohort is better suited.

Medical Conditions, Learning Difficulties and Extra Support:

We like to offer an inclusive space where children of all abilities are welcome. We appreciate knowing in advance if your child has any medical conditions or learning difficulties.

We have the option to have another staff member present to sit with your child throughout the class if you feel this necessary. They can support your child and give them 1 on 1 attention without your child being removed from the classroom environment and group collaboration. There is an additional cost for this which can be discussed on a case by case basis.

What do we need to bring?

Students do not need to bring anything with them. As we are conducting science experiments, covered shoes are required. A water bottle is encouraged.

Are parents welcome to stay for the duration of the class?

A huge focus in our program is to build confidence in children and their abilities. With this, we ask that parents are not present during the class times to allow the children to think independently and solve their own problems.